哦噢 被揍得两颊流血……统治领三部曲都没怎么受伤来热情好客科洛桑第一个月就被揍了(
The standard Academy curriculum included a unit on unarmed combat. Unfortunately, with Thrawn’s studies focused exclusively on technology and navy protocol, he hadn’t been given any time in the combat dojo.
And it showed. He was doing his best to fend off his attackers, but his defense consisted mainly of trying to push them away, ducking away from their attacks, dodging so that they couldn’t all come at him at once, and trying to protect his face and torso.
...this will also prove a useful lesson for his future. One can hope he will take it to his core, and become a better person and officer.”
“Not sure I’d go that far,” Deenlark said.
新索1 第5章
@ellipsis 有可能,也可能他不还手是为了观察他们的动作??然后把他们弄去飞行学校🤔