I've been into TGM for two years. You know TGM is amazing movie.
As a matter of fact, I have watched TGM more than 20 times with Japanese subtitles. But my teacher said it was time to watch it with English subtitles. It sounds really interesting! I'll try it soon! #isakanikki
The light bulb in the front door suddenly went out. It was sad😔
I will buy one tomorrow at Bic Camera. #isakanikki
I attended MP44 yesterday. I had a morning plate with my friends before the event. It was very tasty!
And, the event was good too! We had a great time shopping and chatting. I'm glad I managed to release my icemav fanbook. Thank you for coming my space. #isakanikki
Yay! I passed the level check. I will be promoted to low intermediate! #isakanikki
My vacation was cancelled. I'm so disappointed.
QT: https://fedibird.com/@diveforyou/112439484996684362 [参照]
Yesterday I went to TDS for the first time in 17 years. We stayed from the opening to the closing. We enjoyed many rides and foods. I was exhausted but it was very fun! #isakanikki [添付: 5 枚の画像]
Sounds interesting! I will properly read it. #isakanikki
According to the weather forcast, they are predicting sunny for the day after tomorrow. My friends and I are planning to go to the TDS! 🥳🥳🥳🍺
I'm worried about getting a migraine. #isakanikki
I took a lifesaving course. It was voluntary, not mandatory. My right hand was tired but it was very meaningful.
In an emergency, I want to help someone! #isakanikki
By the way, my summer vacation is 7/10 to 7/15! I am considering a trip abroad, but, unfortunately the JPY is weak now..... #isakanikki
I have not been writing dojin drafts lately. I know I have to do this as soon as possible. #isakanikki
I received my TOEIC score. It was very frustrating because I scored only 495 points!(My target score was 500 points.)
I was studying for the TOEIC vocabulary three weeks ago. I'm sad, but I have to accept the fact that I haven't improved my English much. #isakanikki
オタク時々短歌うたい|TGMほか|shipper20↑|English勉強中|英語を一緒に学んでくれる人、応援してくれる人とつながりたい|英語レベル超beginner | アイコンはたまきちさん作