
A month ago we were blasting through a macro dose of weird in downtown LA. Today blasting through new album art designs. 先月はロズをブラストしていた。今日はジャケのデザインの解決をブラストしている。

So there we were! There we were... in...the Mojave...ちょうど1ヶ月前の現場。exactly one month ago. もうちょいでまとめれる。Just about got it wrangled together. Stay tuned! 乞うご期待!

X – Nausea
Wu-Tang Clan – Method Man (Smoked Out version)
The Mothers – Eddie Are You Kidding?
Ike & Tina Turner – River Deep Mountain High
The Rolling Stones – Shattered
Rainbow – Long Live Rock’n’Roll
Queen – Another One Bites the Dust
Hatsumi Shibata – Yoru ha Doramate’ik’ku
Steppenwolf – Magic Carpet Ride
Pink Floyd – Young Lust
The Romantics – What I Like About You
Television – See No Evil
Frank Zappa – Village of the Sun (Live/Helsinki, Finland/1974)


2024-02-03 Hyper Space Real Junk F #165, Nanya, Nagoya, Japan
(+last week’s playlist)

Led Zeppelin – Fool in the Rain
Grateful Dead – Viola Lee Blues (1967- 00-03 Dance Hall Rio Nido)
Speed, Glue and Shinki – Big Headed Woman
The Who – Summertime Blues

年明けの頃に一泊パームスプリングスにしたから昨晩パームスプリングスという映画を観た。結構うけていた。この写真は思い出した。Watched the movie Palm Springs last night because we spent one night in Palm Springs at the beginning of the year. Thought the flick was pretty hilarious. Reminded me of this pic I took in Palm Springs early last month.

2月3日に 役にブラスティング・ロッドのスティーブンは一部の選曲を回す。御器所なんやは名古屋のこじんまりなアジア風味音楽居酒屋です。個性的なDJたちの音楽とお話を聞きながら外れないメニューより飲食するパーティーです。¡入場料ナシ!音楽の愛のための遊びだけです。S. Shah of Blasting Rod, as will spin tunes for prt of the night on February 3rd. Gokiso Nanya is a cozy Asian fusion tavern. This is a free party where guests listen to music and anecdotes from an idiosyncratic group of DJs while enjoying food and drink from Nanya's excellent menu of entrees, side dishes and basic drinks.

Studio experiments in Japan: It sounds about like what you'd expect from this shot.😅A little more , please! 日本帰国、スタジオ実験中!妙音なければブラスティング・ロッドなのか?

Tools of the Trade: Picked the Epiphone "Baba" Les Paul up at a thrift store for ¥9000. Solid as a rock. Plays well. Very quickly became my main axe. Wasn't even looking for a guitar. Only things itching for a change are the potentiometers. Could do with a more gentle curve at the lower end, for one thing. Probably wouldn't notice if there were less gain in my signal.

Body is trudging through Monday morning in Japan, but mind is still in the pics⬇️. 体は日本の月曜の朝からなんとか進んでいるけど、頭はまだ画像のところに残っている。

Blasting Rod さんがブースト

"Yes…fantasy is escapist, and that is its glory. If a soldier is imprisoned by the enemy, don’t we consider it his duty to escape? The moneylenders, the knownothings, the authoritarians have us all in prison; if we value the freedom of the mind and soul, if we’re partisans of liberty, then it’s our plain duty to escape, and to take as many people with us as we can.”

~ Ursula K. Le Guin

#WritingCommunity #Speculative #Fantasy #SciFi

サイケなネットラジオ・ポッドキャストの選曲に含めて頂いた!Psychedelic playlist with Blasting Rod in the mix. Check it!


Blasting Rod's one show only, in downtown LA on 1/6... and without a rehearsal, even! ロスの一発!2組目、自分専用機材全て持ち込み、15分転回セルフ・セッティング(結局10分押し、スタート予定時点からBGMなし)、完全ぶつけ本番!機材配達員の手伝いはとっても重要だった!大変忙しかったけど良い経験だった。


Blasting Rod さんがブースト

Some of my most listened albums of 2023. Nothing new-new, but new to me. With plans to travel much restraint was required. 2023年によく聴いたアルバム。あんまり新しい物ないけど自分に対して新しいな盤はいくつもある。今年は旅する予定だったので、新作だいぶ我慢した。my

