
Our LP can be ordered from California starting January 7 around noon CST. gloryordeathrecords.com

@JohnShirley2023 To me Don't Look Up had far more nudges and winks. White Noise just sort of leaves you wondering...or left me wondering, at least. It's humor is so dead pan and so dry that it seems easy to take it too seriously. It was refreshing, if at times somewhat tedious. Thank you for your thoughts on the film. It's definitely one that gives you something to talk about afterwards.

@JohnShirley2023 I saw this last night. In some ways I quite liked it, but I needed an intermission between the second and third act. The final scene revived what had turned into something of a slog. Having not read the novel, it's impossible to judge if that was direction or source. It's refreshing to see such a challenging film. Not sure I was entirely up to the challenge. Dry-as-a-bone satire one-upped Don't Look Up, and I couldn't help but feel either Adam Driver or the director may have taken some cues from Chevy Chase. It's a stretch, I know.

'21年発Blasting Rod Ⅲ再プレス輸入LPの在庫はマーブリング差広いマット盤の狩猟期向けカモフラージュもブレイズオレンジも数枚ずつあり。グローリーオアデスレコードの刺繍ワッペン1枚付き世界25枚限定ワックスメイジ版は1枚(実際透明感!)。ボーリスパープル2枚と1枚ずつモンスターグリーン・マーブル盤とオレンジ透明盤もあり。The box of Blasting Rod III repress LPs recently imported to Japan has opaque Camo, and Blaze Orange disks with various levels of marbling…perfect for hunting season!…The 1/25 Wax Mage ed. comes with an embroidered Glory or Death Records patch. These are quite translucent. There are also 2 Boris Purple disks, 1 Monster Green Marble and 1 Translucent Orange platter.


The 2022 "Top 9" listening habits in various calculations, tabulations, categorizations, organizations, representations, contemplations, realizations, perturbations, permutations, imaginations, presentations, and so on. 4/4+1


The 2022 "Top 9" listening habits in various calculations, tabulations, categorizations, organizations, representations, contemplations, realizations, perturbations, permutations, imaginations, presentations, and so on. 3/4


The 2022 "Top 9" listening habits in various calculations, tabulations, categorizations, organizations, representations, contemplations, realizations, perturbations, permutations, imaginations, presentations, and so on. 2/4


The 2022 "Top 9" listening habits in various calculations, tabulations, categorizations, organizations, representations, contemplations, realizations, perturbations, permutations, imaginations, presentations, and so on. 1/4

Blasting Rod released some music in 2022年リリース。
Thank you to all of the wonderful people we worked with this year. 2023 is a blank slate. Here we go! 本年ありがとうございます🙇 新年はまだ余白ですね。描きましょう!

#2022 #zeissmicroscopy

Blasting Rod さんがブースト

Care package from Glory or Death Records, California, turned up today. Everything was in order, and how! LP輸入版は先程届いた!2021年のブラスティングロッドⅢ再プレスです。画像は世界25枚限定手作りワックスメイジ・レコード版です。国内、なんと、2枚だけ!!通常マーブル系3色と限定ボーリスパープル版も箱に入っている。現在ライブ予定ないけど、年内通販の用意…んんん、ちょっと待って下さい!We've got 2nd Edition imports of Blasting Rod III LPs in Japan now. Give us a tick to sort out the inventory.

Blasting Rod さんがブースト


クーポンコード: base10xmas


The host of our Japanese web store is celebrating with a 20% off coupon code: base10xmas.

**All Items Ship From Japan**

