bfried68 さんがブースト

Upon arrival in #Israel, Rishi #Sunak told reporters at Tel Aviv airport that the #Hamas attacks on 7 October were an "unspeakable, horrific act of terrorism", and he reiterated that the UK stands with Israel.

"I'm very much looking forward to my meetings later with the prime minister and president and I very much hope they'll be productive meetings," Sunak said.


@josh the hospital was not hit by anything. An adjacent parking lot was hit by falling missile fragments. That is not a bomb. Get it straight.

@DavidKnestrick @chris a cesspool of hate speech and propaganda is not free speech, it’s weaponized speech.

@MisuseCase also the hospital was not bombed at all. the adjacent parking lot was hit by falling missile fragments. Get it right FFS.

bfried68 さんがブースト

At this point I really don’t think that #Israel bombed that hospital in #Gaza, because every time they have done horrible things in Gaza they have never denied doing it. They either justify it or they say nothing.

If they had destroyed the hospital they would have said “we had to, there were #Hamas terrorists in the hospital” or they wouldn’t have said anything, not “we didn’t do this bad thing.” If they’d done it they wouldn’t have acknowledged that it was a bad thing.

@pacanukeha a parking lot is not a hospital and a missile fragment isn’t a bomb.

@fulelo two US carrier battlegroups parked offshore say that would be a fatal error.

@theceoofanarchism a parking lot is not a hospital, and a divot in the asphalt hit by rocket debris is not a bomb crater.

bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト

Hearing #China call out #Israel for going too far in collectively punishing Palestinians for the crimes of #Hamas is very hypocritical.

They've done the exact same in #Xinjiang & #Tibet, punishing the entire population for the crimes of a few, or, increasingly, the crime of existing.

@BernieWonIowa @raymondpert FFS read the room. The people Hamas massacred are still being buried.

@Jinjirrie so what? You aren’t going to unring that bell so deal with it.

@clickhere ICRC promotes genocide in Ukraine and helped Russia murder POWs. Seriously fuck the ICRC straight to hell.

bfried68 さんがブースト

Russian losses, 24 Feb 2022 to 14 Oct 2023:

~286,890 killed

4,940 tanks
9,337 armoured personnel vehicles
6,833 artillery systems
811 multiple-launch rocket systems
547 air defence systems
317 aircraft
316 helicopters
5,265 operational-tactical UAVs
1,531 cruise missiles
20 ships/boats
1 submarine
9,225 vehicles/fuel trucks
971 special equipment

@dromografos@electricrequiem.com you must have been off the grid last week.

@DYSX@mastodon.world seems more want to pile on Israel and are rushing in.

