bfried68 さんがブースト

#Israel 's military has confirmed it launched extensive attacks on the strip, targeting " #Hamas operatives and terrorist infrastructure".

The #IDF says tunnel shafts, military headquarters and munitions warehouses were destroyed.

On Tuesday, the IDF said it hit at least 400 sites, and the day before, 320. It has not yet put a number on the number of strikes on Wednesday.

bfried68 さんがブースト

🇮🇱 🇷🇺 Israel has expressed its dissatisfaction with Russia over its frequent statements against the Jewish state in the context of the war in Gaza, the Foreign Ministry told The Times of Israel on Tuesday.


#israel #russia #palestine #hamas

bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト

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@unnameduser @Free_Press in this case there are a shitload of nails that will get hammered if they attack Israel.

bfried68 さんがブースト

US Department of Defense:
In response to recent escalation by Iran and its militias across the Middle East, the US will advance the aircraft carrier Eisenhower in the US Central Command area of ​​responsibility, along with a THAAD anti-ballistic missile battery and Patriot missile batteries.
#AureFreePress #News #Israel #gaza #Hamas

@DavidKnestrick @chris have you seen all the racist shit on Twitter lately? No wonder advertisers won’t touch it with a ten foot pole. It’s brand suicide.

@gasp complete hogwash but whatever gets you through the day I guess.

bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト

@gasp if at this point in history you don’t accept the right of the nation of Israel to exist in Palestine you are in deep denial of objective reality.

@decembr14 Israel is still working to identify the remains of the dead tortured and killed by Hamas. Read the room. Hamas will be erased.

@mvario the leftist progressive anti-semites are the worst.

@thejapantimes also not just publishing terrorist propaganda without fact checking. This story has gone from “a hospital was destroyed and 500 dead” to “a missile fragment hit a parking lot and some cars caught fire” in a matter of 24 hours.

bfried68 さんがブースト

The most reliable accounts I can find are saying it looks unlikely that the hospital blast was caused by Israeli airstrike - most likely a Hamas/PIJ rocket that went wrong.

This in no way excuses anything that Israel is doing, but facts are important.

If you allow destruction of truth on your side then it becomes easier for the other side to completely discredit everything you say.



bfried68 さんがブースト

A Russian soldier from Tver, fighting in an assault brigade near Avdiivka, complains. He says they have been fighting for over a year without a single leave of absence. He also states that only 12 of his company are left.

"Men have children... Wives... But the phrase from the brigade commander 'you will all die and it will be good' does not motivate heroism.. We fight without a motive. Thank you for your attention... It's a farce...," he writes.

bfried68 さんがブースト

As a reminder, news from May 2023:

At least four Palestinians killed during the latest round of fighting in the #Gaza Strip, including children, died as a result of explosions caused by failed rocket (…) of the 507 rockets launched by Palestinian Islamic Jihad at Israel as of Thursday morning, around 110 fell short in the Gaza Strip.

That’s around 21% failure ratio, when rockets fired at #Israel explode on Hamas own territory. A rhetorical question, do you think #Hamas cares about that? Did any of the “friends of #Palestine” care?


