Dude just stubbled upon “fuck ‘round, find out” ~ the French digital minister 😂🤣😂

>Twitter, an American company, is subject to French law


@NEETzsche @KimCrayton1 iI you operate globally you are subject to the laws and regulations of every country market in which you do business. Someone should tell Melon Husk. Too bad he fired the person who could have told him.

That's not how Internet works lmao.

You can do anything you want, but must comply with the country of your company and hosting only.

@waltercool @KimCrayton1 @NEETzsche not if you’re selling advertising and services to legal entities in other countries which Twitter is.

You can host any website anytime you want, you don't need to comply with every country law.

If you are intending to do business, now it's different.

Twitter doesn't sell any product or paid service to France right now.


@waltercool @KimCrayton1 @NEETzsche really? They aren’t serving French language ads and links to products and services being sold by French companies? I find that hard to believe.

Yeah, "to French companies", THEY must pay to Twitter USA for their services.

Twitter in other hand, must comply stuff like GPDR about user-data management and how ads works since that's the business those companies are paying for.

How Twitter works is not a matter for any government except US since their headquarters and legal entities are located there.

Same goes for Mastodon/Pleroma/Misskey servers, they must only comply with the laws where the files/database are located.

If your website is located outside US, then companies are not forced to comply with US govt demands. Even if you sell products worldwide.

