

M: Tell me what to do, McCoy.

H: Xavier must make contact with the Shi'ar empress, Lilandra. But his mind is too weak.

H: Focus your Magnetic powers on his brain waves and increase them in gradual increments.

H: Though beware... If he should pass away while connected to you, the phychic stress may destroy you as well.

M: I understand.(即答)


C: Hello, magnus. Surely you have more pressing business to attend to than nursing an old friend.

M: Nothing more important.

C: Thank you.


大体マグニートーがパッと出てこないでミュータント待たせてたのチャールズ・エグゼビアのせいだろ 君ちょっと躊躇っただろ なあ

己の中では”How dare you ask me such a question? ”が一番ヤバかな……


何がすごいってエリック・レーンシャーに己の野望とチャールズ・エグゼビアの命を天秤に掛けさせるのがすごい 掛けさすな

X-MENアニメ、これはエリチャですね……回はs1-2でちょいちょいあった気がするが(サベジランド回とか)、ちょっとここまでぶっこんだと言うか突っ込んだ回はあまり覚えがないです 恐ろしい事するなあ


SS: You know what you should do.

M: Why now? My greatest enemy and perhaps my only friend. But I have waited all my life for this moment!

SS: Wouldn't he do it for you?

M: (頭を抱える)


G: How would you do, if you knew that you were the only one on earth who could save his life?

M: Do not play games with me!

G: Listen to me. A telepathic message to Lilandra is Xavier's only hope. You may be able to supercharge his mind just like you did mine. His brain waves are electromagnetic.

M: You lie to torture me. My legions await my command pledging body and soul to me. With a single word, I can remake the world. I cannot leave.


S: He didn't give his life so that you could destroy everything he held sacred.

M: What do you mean?

S: Xavier's dying.

M: But I saw his televised message.

S: That was Morph. Xavier only has hours left to live.

M: Xavier... Dying?


M: A sad ending to a great life. Out of respect for Charles Xavier, I will let all of you live. Now, go before I change my mind.

G: Wait a minute. I just realized something.

G: How much do you love Charles Xavier?

M: How dare you ask me such a question? He was my only equal. I owe him my life.

ぼいすぴコウ先生今月発売やんけ困ったな、とか思ってたらコウ先生の兄貴も同時発売でちょっとちょっとちょっと待ってえっ本当に!?!? あなた初手ぼいすぴ!?!?!?

俺のPCでおねんねしている音声合成ソフト AIタカハシ コウ先生 あいぼす2ゆかりさん あいぼす2あかりちゃん

折角だしニコニコ復旧に合わせてボイロ動画作ろうとか思ってたのにもう明日復旧らしいよ 俺、1ヶ月間何してたんだろうね


それはある 現物があると結構うれしい


そもそも有料頒布自体に結構な引け目がある 俺の書いたものにそんな……こう……いいんですよそのお金で飯とか食ってもらって……みたいな意識がね、ありますね

正論ロボットと化した身内に「PDFで頒布すればいいのに」と言われたが、こう……有料同人誌って「これは印刷代ですよ」の建前があると思っていて 勿論他の人がどんな媒体で頒布するかは全然好きにしたらいいと思うんだけど 俺自身がなんというか妙な引け目というか「あくまで他人の褌で相撲取ってるんですよ」という思いというか……そういうのがあってPDF頒布は踏み切れない


