ふたりともこの世にもういない🥲Tom Verlaine and Lou Reed photographed by Michel Esteban at the CBGB’s, 1975

A powerful and carnivorous sound, with Verlaine’s hypnotic guitar exploring new paths, was unfortunately left unforeseen in the short history of the group and in the subsequent works of his solo career.
The memory of a few meetings with him remains: gentle and silent man, he was particularly illuminated when in 1996 he joined the Patti Smith tour, which, on the wave of the album "Gone Again" and in the company of the old band, including his two sons and Michael Stipe, reclaimed his place in Olympus of music.

Tom Verlaine also flies away “at only 73 years old”. It's stunning to think that 46 years have passed since the publication of "Marquee Moon", the debut of their Television for Elektra. In the groove of the Velvet Underground, that album was one of the most powerful divisions of new York punk, the one that came from immediately legendary venues such as CBGB’s, represented by Patti Smith, Richard Hell, Ramones, Suicide, Blondie, Dead Boys, Talking Heads.

7 years since the starman left us. ★
In memoriam, David Bowie...

This is amazing, it seems that this will become an internal conflict in the name of Brazilians, I think storming the Congress is a serious violation of the law and I think these people should be punished.


Remembering David Robert Jones, aka David Bowie on his 76th birthday.



Above the port, front line of the river, spectacular views of the river, city and seas, top class building, exclusive design by architect Alberto Tonconogy. Spectacular environment, restaurant area, steps from Ave. Libertador, close to CABA.

1919年にオープンした劇場が今はEl Ateneoって名前の、こんなカッコいい本屋になってる。

そうです。Aroun 結婚したんだよ。おいらの36歳の誕生日、12月14日にね。結婚式は挙げずに、役所に書類を届けただけ。だって日本じゃまだ同性婚出来ないのに、自分たちだけってヤじゃん。



