Okay, so seems that the debate on this is a generational thing. The meme is backwards because it's the grey-haired guy who should be saying 1, not the younger women.

Basically, if you were taught older conventions like I was (being an old fart), you would divide the 6 by the product of everything to the right of the division, because you would treat the ÷ as a /, and treat the product as a denominator.

We used to treat ÷ as an easier way to write out a fraction problem, but that is no longer.

これマジか。「1」と回答するのは昔の人らしい。除算記号「÷」は世界的にもう使われてないらしい。知らなかった! 確かにPCで出そうとすると面倒。

2009年に国際標準化機構(ISO)が発行した数学の記号に関する国際規格「ISO 8000-2」では、割り算は「/」か分数によって表すと定めた上で、「割り算を表す記号として『÷』は使うべきではない」とはっきり書かれている。
QT: mstdn.ca/@ned/1110591390963907

Ned Yeung  
Okay, so seems that the debate on this is a generational thing. The meme is backwards because it's the grey-haired guy who should be saying 1, not ...

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