QT: https://fedibird.com/@noellabo/109312317743606506 [参照]
Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee wants us to 'ignore' Web3 https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/04/web-inventor-tim-berners-lee-wants-us-to-ignore-web3.html
Really important thing you need to know about Mastodon: You don't need to use the official app!
There are some good third party apps listed on Mastodon's own site:
➡️ https://joinmastodon.org/apps
The third party apps have more features and had way more development time.
Android users might want to start with Tusky and Fedilab
iPhone/iPad users might want to read this: https://transponderings.blog/2022/05/21/eight-mastodon-apps-for-iphone/
Mastodon is an open platform, so third party apps can use its features fully.
メインアカウントは @yukiyalien と @yukiyalien@best-friends.chat です。避難時、独自機能を使いたいときなどにここに遊びに来ます。