He crushed it! People may have different opinions about what exactly it was he crushed.

Thoughts and prayers to the people who FOMO'd and bought at $68,000 only to step out and rage quit a few hours later at $59,000. Welcome to the !

Another article serving up cold comfort to those who've comfortably sat out the rally, spoon-feeding skepticism to those already doubting. The piece, veiled in caution, sidesteps the core tenets of Bitcoin, choosing instead to echo the usual doom without deeper understanding. It's a classic example of missing the forest for the trees, tailored for readers who prefer their financial insights served with a side of status quo.


蘭鳩 さんがブースト

I never really cared for Taylor Swift until I learned she makes the far-right angry. Now I’m a big fan. 🥳

The FT's cautious take on Japan's market rally might just be the signal it's the real deal. With governance reforms and a weaker yen boosting prospects, are we witnessing a missed opportunity in Japanese equities?

One reason for optimism about Large Language Models (LLMs) lies in the nature of the criticisms they attract. Often, these critiques seem rather unfounded or exaggerated, highlighting the significant potential and progress LLMs have achieved.

A bit of Dalle-3 genreated propaganda to counter the awful opinion pieces floating around.

蘭鳩 さんがブースト

It is not anti-Israeli to condemn Benjamin Netanyahu. It is, in fact, pro-democracy and pro-peace to do so.

Having a bit too much fun with Dalle3. "A typical Japanese office."

Recent glitch in Japan's Zenkin Net delayed 1.4M interbank transfers, spotlighting vulnerabilities in centralized financial systems. Bitcoin & cryptocurrencies, with their decentralized networks, stand as resilient alternatives. 🔄🔐

Did a bit of coding where I used chatGPT more agressive. This was an eye opening experience.

This EU flag thing at the night of the proms was brilliant. The eers properly exited now.

蘭鳩 さんがブースト

Am I the only one who is looking forward to #Mastodon 4.20? I think it’s going to be a game changer. It will give Mastodon some much needed search cred.

蘭鳩 さんがブースト

Linux has had multiple chances and blown them all because the people most devoted to it want it to be niche.

  Pleasant surprise in Noritsu Koki (#7744) today. Nomura re-iterating buy and upping the target price. All good.

蘭鳩 さんがブースト

All we need is one major news story to break here on #mastodon and that will do it. I’m predicting that will be all we need to get critical mass. I’m worried about the servers though. Can they handle it? We must be vigilant!

蘭鳩 さんがブースト

There are so many ways to break a website and by the time he is done Elon will have personally overseen all of them

蘭鳩 さんがブースト
