
Suicide site encouraged daughter to die - parents
The parents of a student nurse who took her own life have called for suicide websites to be shut down to save other young lives.

Matt Willemsen さんがブースト

Ayn Rand, Rand Paul and Paul Ryan walk into a bar. The bartender serves the tainted alcohol because there are no regulations. They die.

(That's it. That's the whole joke.)

Matt Willemsen さんがブースト

@accretionist Well said.

A good time to remind voters who get easily disenchanted: In a lifetime there will be very few elections where you have a candidate you feel good about on all your top issues. Vote anyway, or else you're letting less conscientious people choose our officeholders.

A voter's job is to stay informed and engaged. Autocrats would rather you stay home and opt out. Low turnout is ideal for bad guys. Keep voting, year after year. Not a love affair- it’s a job.

Wasabi Boosts Cognitive Ability in Older People, Study Shows
A new study shows that the traditional Japanese spice wasabi can improve some types of cognitive function in those aged over 60, offering a straightforward and rather tasty way of looking after our brains as we get older.

Japan unveils plans to breathe new life into its higher education institutions
The proposal incorporates a radical restructuring of the university giving its junior researchers far more autonomy.
‘We are not really used to teaching in an English-speaking system – that is the very big problem,’ he says, adding that overcoming this significant language barrier will allow Japan to become more cosmopolitan and create a research culture that will attract global talent

'Sustained Human Transmission' of Mpox Has Been Happening Longer Than We Realised
The monkeypox virus has been jumping from human to human since at least 2016, according to the work of an international team of scientists.

Mid-Phanerozoic Exoplanets Might Be Easier to Detect than Modern Earth
In a new study, astronomers modeled the atmospheric composition and transmission spectra of five stages in Earth’s Phanerozoic Eon. Two key biosignature pairs — oxygen and methane, and ozone and methane — appeared stronger in models of Earth roughly 100 million to 300 million years ago, when oxygen levels were significantly higher.

Pluto may have an ice-spewing 'supervolcano' the size of Yellowstone, New Horizons data reveals
Kiladze Caldera, formerly called Kiladze crater, may be a supervolcano that erupted fairly recently, spewing ice across the surface of Pluto.
livescience.com/space/pluto/pl ice

Study: All Languages around the World Have Words for ‘This’ and ‘That’
Coventry et al. show that speakers of all tested languages use spatial demonstratives as a function of being able to reach or act on an object being referred to.

5,000-year-old mass grave of fallen warriors in Spain shows evidence of 'sophisticated' warfare
A new analysis of a mass grave from Neolithic Spain reveals that the site wasn't a burial ground from a massacre, but of fallen warriors.

Matt Willemsen さんがブースト

Almost uniquely among American journalists working at major outlets, is calling his peers on their rank cowardice in the face of the emergency our nation faces.

We may well be one election away from a dictatorship, and Big Journalism's business-as-usual approach amounts to collaboration the enemies of democracy.


Matt Willemsen さんがブースト

So, this very cool!

Just in time for the 2024 election cycle, Indivisible , has shuttered their Twitter account and relocated their social media presence to Mastodon.

With the goal of building a broad coalition of voters that support Democratic candidates to eliminate the filibuster, codify Roe, pass democracy reform and unrig the courts, Indivisible aligns well with Mastodon.

Indivisible had more than 250K followers on Twitter. Let's welcome them here!


Matt Willemsen さんがブースト

Hey, Ohio Indivisibles! We’re running out of time to GOTV for abortion rights and YES on Issue 1. If you want to help codify reproductive freedom into the state constitution, we can connect you with progressive voters in your neighborhood before Election Day on Tuesday: indivisibleproject.formstack.c

Synthetic ‘super melanin’ speeds skin repair
An engineered version of the pigment boosts healing and may prevent sunburns in the first place

I'm Doing It Wrong
Daily Sit-Ups Won't Target Your Belly Fat. An Expert Explains Why.
ads promote a concept known as "spot reduction", claiming you can burn fat in a specific body area, usually the belly, with specially designed exercises or workouts.
Unfortunately, spot reduction is another weight-loss myth. It's simply not possible to target the location of fat loss.

A Gene Inherited From Another Type of Human Could Still Affect Our Mental Health
Part of the genetic heritage of today's modern humans comes from mixing with the Denisovans some tens of thousands of years ago – and the subsequent genetic adaptations may have left us predisposed to certain mental health issues such as depression.

Quickly spot-check any USB mass storage drive for fraudulent deliberately missing storage.

