
“What Keeps You Up at Night” – Dr. Fauci’s Newest Concern
It’s a question Anthony Fauci, MD, heard repeatedly throughout his almost forty-year tenure as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases under the National Institutes of Health
Today, as the COVID-19 pandemic wanes, Fauci describes a new nemesis – a lack of “corporate memory.”

Larry Katz interviews Collection
The Larry Katz collection, 1980-2005 consists of interviews recorded on audiocassettes conducted by Larry Katz, a reporter, critic, columnist and editor at Real Paper (1980-1981), The Boston Herald (1981-2011) and the resulting publications. For decades he interviewed some of the most established names in music as well as overlooked pioneers, talented newcomers and Boston-area legends.
repository.library.northeaster /neu:gm80mq353


Unearthing Gems in a Massive Archive of Rock Star Interviews
“They are unpolished and unvarnished.”
. . . the collection, now digitized and available online with notes from Katz on the circumstances surrounding the conversations. “The most important part of these tapes is that they’re just really raw,” Mecagni says. “They are unpolished and unvarnished.”

US, South Korea and Japan launch group to tackle North Korea hacking
The United States, South Korea and Japan have decided to establish a high-level consultative body on cyber issues, primarily to tackle North Korea’s cyber activities, the office of South Korea’s president announced on Monday.
therecord.media/south-korea-ja -state

Bitter Brain Breakthrough: How a Single Chemical Could Curb Female Binge Drinking
New research has identified a brain chemical that influences how men and women perceive the bitterness of alcohol. This discovery, focusing on the neuropeptide CART, found that its inhibition causes an increase in alcohol consumption in males but a decrease in females, unless the alcohol is sweetened.

Rocks From Mars Are Hitting Earth, And Something Is Odd About Their Age
Chunks of Martian rock ejected from their homeworld by processes such as violent impacts have wended their way through the Solar System to end up – smack! – crashing into Earth.
As we collect these samples of our neighboring planet, a curious pattern has emerged. Most of the samples seem to be rocks that formed on the red planet fairly recently; a peculiarity, given most of the Martian surface is so old.

Obesity Unraveled: Scientists Propose Unifying Theory
New research proposes fructose as the key driver of obesity, unifying various dietary theories. The “fructose survival hypothesis” suggests that fructose consumption depletes active energy and hinders appetite control, thereby contributing to an energy imbalance that promotes weight gain. This new perspective could guide more effective obesity prevention and management approaches.

Millions of Women Feel Severe Pain From This Condition. Why Don't We Talk About It?
Endometriosis causes physical, sexual and emotional pain.
About 190 million people around the globe have endometriosis, including one in 10 American women, but there has historically been a deafening silence about the disease and the pervasive impact it can have on a person's life.

Mathematicians Crack a Century-Old Problem That's Perfect For Your Next Party
Mathematicians have found a new way to impose order on chaos in the form of an answer to a challenge which has puzzled them for nearly a century – a so-called Ramsey problem known as r(4,t).
sciencealert.com/mathematician (s,t)

New Study Links Higher Levels of a Certain Type of Fat to a Decreased Risk of Dementia
A recent study suggests that older individuals with higher triglyceride levels may have a reduced risk of developing dementia and experience slower cognitive decline than those with lower levels. The research involved 18,294 participants, and its findings were supported by a separate U.K. dataset. cognitive issues were studied.

Watch great white shark get mobbed by gang of seals in 'incredible and surprising' footage
Astonishing footage from Planet Earth III, which premieres Nov. 4 on BBC America and AMC+, shows a herd of seals fending off an attack by the world's most notorious predator off the southern coast of Africa.

Soda additive linked to thyroid toxicity may finally get banned by FDA
BVO has largely been phased out of big-name sodas and was recently banned in CA.

The Mystery of the World’s Largest and Deepest Gravity Hole
The sea level here is hundreds of feet lower than the rest of the ocean.

The Mystery of the World’s Largest and Deepest Gravity Hole
The sea level here is hundreds of feet lower than the rest of the ocean.

Leap seconds could become leap minutes, despite pushback from Russians, Vatican
Already endangered, the leap second might have a practical successor soon.
One of the leading thinkers on how humans track time has a big, if simple, proposal for dealing with leap seconds: Don't worry about them. Do leap minutes instead, maybe one every half-century or so.

Animal Scientists Develop Climate-Smart Cows That Produce 20x More Milk
Researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign have developed a high-yield, climate-resilient cow breed that could substantially increase milk production for Tanzanian subsistence farmers, potentially transforming local agriculture and food security.

Which AI Image Generator is The Most Biased?
After The Washington Post published an article declaring that artificial intelligence images “amplify our worst stereotypes,” PetaPixel has put together a bias comparison of the three major text-to-image generators.

Scientists get rare glimpse of 'nesting doll' isotope nitrogen-9
With five more protons than should be stable, the newly discovered nitrogen-9 isotope sits right on the borderline of physical possibility.

