Each year I take some time to dig in Japanese second hands marketplaces to find rare or unavailable stuffs in Europe for my research (and for fun).
I have received the big box today !
Let's go ↓

Yen is low, my appetite is high, and company like #Buyee are awesome. You can order from Japanese second hands websites, shops and auction website, they put everything in a box and send it to you. Each item doesn't cost much, in between 1 and 10 euros.

#nosponsorship #design #books

記号の事典 ( symbols encyclopedia) from 1985. One of the most expensive book, found it on yahoo auction for around 15 euros. The cardboard cover is a little bit damaged around the corner but the book inside is in MINT condition, it still smells fresh from the press. We have almost the same age and I'm not as fresh as this book. I will take care of it Japan, I promise.

#books #design #japan #symbol #pictogram

What's inside 記号の事典 ?
290 pages of symbol systems and how to represent things. High quality colored print, with international standards but also Japanese symbolics like kimono belts, buddhas design, kamons, kabuki masks...

#books #design #japan #symbol #pictogram

(The world of words seen with your eyes) is more a method for creating pictograms than an encyclopedia. Printed in 1983, the cover is a little bit old but the book inside is in a really good condition. 10 euros. The editor is the Japanese Standards Association. I wanted it because it was co-authored by Yukio Ota 太田幸夫.

#books #design #japan #symbol #pictogram

what's inside 目でみることばの世界 ? 230 pages for learning what are symbols and pictograms and how to standardize them. One of the example is the Exit Sign ISO symbol with the running stickman. Design documentation, feedback testing and proposals are shown.

Typographics ti: is the quarterly magazine of the Japan Typography Association. First published in 1980, the publication is still going on today.
Found a set of 10 magazines for 40 euros. I was curious but didn't find any PDF or sample online, so I've decided to give it a try. The content is really different from one another but what a discovery ! If I find a scanner solution, I will try to make them available for everybody.

#books #design #japan #symbol #typography #logodesign

Let's ding into it ! This Typographics ti: magazine is from November 1982.

This issue is a calendar. Each month is designed by an artist. The print quality is incredible.

Cover is designed by Toshihiko Kitagawa 北澤敏彦. First month is designed by Mitsuo Katsui 勝井三雄

#books #design #japan #symbol #typography #logodesign

My favorite is Typographics ti: magazine from March 1983.
I was curious about the content as the cover depicts the Japanese map symbol Hot Springs ♨ U+2668
What's inside ?
A report of Hermann Zapf's visit in Japan ! The famous typographer behind Optima, Palatino or Zapf Dingbats has a discussion with Japanese typographer Kuwayama Yasaburo 桑山弥三郎. but it is not just a written interview, it's shaped like a MANGA !!! this is so funny and so creative.

#design #japan #symbol #typography #unicode

Typographics ti: gave the opportunity for designers to submit and showcase their work in a section of the magazine "new face". You had to fill and send back the coupon with your printed work by postal service.

#design #japan #symbol #logodesign #typography

Some Typographics ti: have a double cardboard page inside with stunning visuals and removable postcards. Those magazines cost 350円 in 1982,
(around 3 euros in 2023 inflation rate included)

#design #japan #symbol #logodesign #typography

I was looking for this artbook for a long time. Published in 2020, this 400 pages book contains all the works of the Japanese illustrator Noritake. Ads, posters, publication, magazine covers... his minimalistic style is everywhere and I love it. It also contains an interview at the end of the book. Got this version at 10 euros, great quality overall.

#japan #books #design #illustration

秘密基地の作り方 is a wonderful book analyzing how to make a secret base. A deep dive into children cabins, shacks, huts, tree houses... what make a good secret base ?
Written in 2012 by Takahiro Ogata 尾方孝弘 and illustrated by Noritake, the book gives you all the keys to chose wisely what is your secret base.
Each type of secret base has a radar diagram to choose from those criteria : 面白さ (fun), 耐久性 (durability), 秘密度(secrecy), 危険度(degree of risk),難易度(difficulty level).

#design #books #japan

もじ鉄 (Iron Characters) is written by a real 鉄オタ(an Iron Ota', a railway otaku) Yuki Ishikawa 石川祐基.
This book is a beautiful encyclopedia of railway station signs around Japan. What font is used, where can you find it, history behind some... A great work of documenting wayfinding signage design.
Found this copy in mint condition for 5 euros.

#design #books #japan #typography

The other book written by Yuki Ishikawa 石川祐基 is もじもじもじ鉄 (Wriggling Iron Characters, it's a pun between mojimoji もじもじ and moji もじ I don't know how to translate it correctly...).

In this one, the author interviews Japanese wayfinding signage designers.
Men AND women talks about their work, typographic choices with examples. An important documentary project which gives access to unaccessible design processes. Like もじ鉄, you can easily find a second hand copy.

#design #books #japan #typography

⬆ let's continue this exploration thread above.

My Jishin Itsumo project collection is growing !

地震 (jishin = earthquake) いつも (itsumo = always) is a project made by the wonderful Japanese illustrator Yorifuji Bunpei 寄藤文平.
The main goal is risk prevention and help people getting ready for earthquake disaster.

If you like it, there are PDF available on the official website !

#design #books #japan #pictogram

⬇ let's dig into it !

First there is the Jishin Itsumo kit. It includes a book note which illustrates the testimony of 167 survivors of Great Hanshin earthquake in Kobe in 1995. What a work !
The kit includes also two leaflets, one explaining how to set up an emergency contact and one explaining what you need to prepare at home.
The last item is a handkerchief with multipurpose ideas printed on it : it can be a mask, a bandage, a flag, etc. Bought it for 12 euros in mint condition.

#design #books #japan #pictogram

Second book is the Jishin Itsumo Manual.
It explains everything you need to know to be prepared for an earthquake : how and why it happens in Japan, what you need to prepare at home, what furniture you need to fix on the wall, how and what you can cook, how you can poop and clean you up without functional sewers, etc. It's really well made and you can find it around 4 euros on second hand marketplaces.

#design #books #japan #pictogram

The third item is a card game !
You have theme cards and the goal is to group them on the table. When a group is made, the player needs to answer questions to see if he has learn the tips on the cards. Illustrations and finishing of the game is top quality. I think I only miss one book to have the complete collection.

#design #books #japan #pictogram #game

Speaking of risk prevention, the Jishin Itsumo is not the only one to provide cool multipurpose handkerchiefs. ぼうさいぬぐい (bousainugui = wiping paper for protection against disaster) is another brand you can buy on common marketplaces. You can find package containing 5 different bandanas with unique theme like earthquake, corona virus, tsunami, what to do with animals etc... you can I bought the pack for 19 euros. I love them.

poke !
#design #japan #pictogram

Amabie a été beaucoup représentée et utilisée depuis le Covid !

