
Self harm usally heard from yanks(sorry about Americans whom glance it), 'course it might existing terms of Sarcasm in US contexts sort of, I couldn't understand it that what so ever.

England either Wales and Scotland(poor knowledge of Nortern Ireland so I can't say about)Sarcasm is not be say 'that's Sarcasm', it's no need to spelled out definition of Sarcasm.

So the question would be what a bloody hell I can understand that it whenever being ASD.
It might understanding just for on the surface or what the context implying for.


It makes wonder incorrect spelling isn't be something sort of majoring not qualified A levels.

It because I'm a mixed originated person so 'may you go now' something like that really sounds like old brits Sarcasm are xenophobia to myself and self harmful couldn't be Sarcasm.

