My new favourite nut is macadamia, overtaking cashew.

how do we afford nuts with the yen headed back into 1980s territory!?

is that your secret for how you afford all that Mitsukoshi perfume and indulgences in the sugar and dairy creations at Starbucks?


@RoboticistDuck @niten
I assumed that every household had a stash of gold coins or nuggets in preparation for inflation and other eventualities. I apologize.

is that why there are so many break ins even to abandoned properties lately? Searching for treasure? 💰

Close-up gendai the other night was about thieves stealing air conditioning units and boilers from outside the homes - mainly for the copper, but also for other scrap metal.

Metal drain covers have been stolen from parks for scrap, but kilometers of copper cabling are being nicked from solar panel farms.

