German poet Georg Herwegh was born #OTD in 1817.

Herwegh's poetry is characterized by its passionate advocacy for freedom and democracy. He became famous with his collection "Gedichte eines Lebendigen", published in 1841. This work was widely acclaimed for its revolutionary zeal and critique of the existing social and political order.

Books by Georg Herwegh at Projekt Gutenberg-DE:

#books #literature #poetry

"The anxious night is now over,
We ride silently, we ride silently,
And ride to our doom.
How sharply the morning wind blows!
Mrs. Innkeeper, one more glass quickly
Before dying, before dying."

Rider's song, The anxious night.

~Georg Herwegh (31 May 1817 – 7 April 1875)

#books #literature #poetry

