Mastodon #Japanese snacks challenge 😀 Does anyone have any idea what these are please? Do feel free to forward to others. Part of a Christmas gift from my Brother who’s just back from #Tokyo

From the right:

Isshindo Honpo Tamargo-sen— onion mixed with sticky rice and baked as crackers

Isshindo Honpo Gobo-sen—burdock root grained and mixed with sticky rice then baked as crackers.
Burdock roots contain lots of fiber and enhance the balance of body.

Yomogi Orimochi—wormwood/mugwort mixed in mochi paste. It’s like fresh pastry. Wormwood is one of the popular herbs and was used as medicine since ancient times. Good for detox, digestion system, anemia, and many more.

All are introduced in many blogs and social media.

