
A typhoon is approaching.
Red propellers withstand the wind.

Strong branches will break, but the soft and something flexible will overcome adversity.

Momiji - one of the first kanji I learned. Also, one of my favorite trees - we have several on this street.


It is wonderful that you know difficult kanji more than me!

In fact, I did not know that ''栴" is read as "Momiji" with only one character "栴".
Usually we write〜もみじ, モミジ, 紅葉.

But this one kanji character is beautiful.
Indeed, this represents a Japanese maple tree.~栴~
Thank you for sharing this wonderful kanji. 🙏😊

Japanese culture and language always give us many ways to write anything, 😀


I first saw this 栴 kanji on a piece of calligraphy.


You do calligraphy as well?
That's cool! 😊
I sometimes write the Heart Sutra with a brush when I want to quiet my mind.


That's beautiful lettering. Thank you!


It is a beautiful calligraphy with many old Chinese characters~Kanji.
I wish I could write such beautiful characters, but I am still in training, and I am tracing sutras from a commercial example.
Thank you for sharing this valuable resource with me. 🙏😊✨

Beautiful capture! ❤️ A favorite "toy" or plaything from nature during childhood. We would gather handfuls of the maple seeds and toss them in the air to watch the propellers spin. 🥰


Thanks! 🥰
It's fun to watch these seeds spin.
Their seeds are clever plants that can fly.👌

These are beautiful! I hope you stay safe and cozy. 💚


It's raining hard, but I'm safe at home.😊🫶

Thank you, handmade ghost! Enjoy your day!

