Did you ever have the nightmare of not getting dressed/lost your clothes before going to school or work and having to go #naked?

My partner has never, and I find that strange.

Best stories get a boost.

I voted yes but it’s actually that I am naked at middle school, I don’t remember leaving the house and getting there. Middle school! I am 50 😂

Our early years are definitely the ones, we remember the most, aren't they?

@purplepadma @mina

Yes, I tried to comment on this post last night and forgot.
I voted "No".
However, I still often dream that on the day of the exam, I am in a panic because I didn't study at all. 😂

Not a dream, but an experience I had when I was younger where I woke up naked in some guy's house and all my clothes were hidden and I was furious.
Of course I punched those men and yelled, "I'm calling the police!" and of course I took all my clothes back from 'them'. (A little incident from my youth). 😵‍💫🤦‍♀️ha ha!


@purplepadma @mina

I apologize for the tale I have shared with you on your brisk morning. Sorry, dear friends.
Have a good day, Ladies!!🩷❤️🤍🌞

Haha, no need to apologise! An insight into your youth, Mikako!

