Did you ever have the nightmare of not getting dressed/lost your clothes before going to school or work and having to go #naked?

My partner has never, and I find that strange.

Best stories get a boost.

I voted yes but it’s actually that I am naked at middle school, I don’t remember leaving the house and getting there. Middle school! I am 50 😂

Our early years are definitely the ones, we remember the most, aren't they?


@purplepadma @mina

Yes, I tried to comment on this post last night and forgot.
I voted "No".
However, I still often dream that on the day of the exam, I am in a panic because I didn't study at all. 😂

Not a dream, but an experience I had when I was younger where I woke up naked in some guy's house and all my clothes were hidden and I was furious.
Of course I punched those men and yelled, "I'm calling the police!" and of course I took all my clothes back from 'them'. (A little incident from my youth). 😵‍💫🤦‍♀️ha ha!

@purplepadma @mina

I apologize for the tale I have shared with you on your brisk morning. Sorry, dear friends.
Have a good day, Ladies!!🩷❤️🤍🌞

Haha, no need to apologise! An insight into your youth, Mikako!

So, Japanese are pretty mean pranksters!

However: Not so easy to undress a person without them noticing. You must be blessed with a good sleep.

I never experienced any of that kind, but a girl from my high school did when she was 17 or 18:

One summer night, she went for a swim to a nearby lake in the forest, but when she came out of the water, butt naked, she couldn't find her clothes where she left them.

After looking around for a while in the moon light,


she eventually found them about 10 metres away.

Somebody must have noticed them on the shore and moved them. At least, the person had had the decency to not steal them.

I don't think she ever went for a nightly swim alone again.


@purplepadma @mina

Oh..Is that your experience, isn't that?

Everyone is different in how much they can forgive a mean prank, but I feel sorry for you who went through this experience.

At that time, did they who didn't steal the clothes enjoy watching the girl panic?
Amazing happenings happen when we were young.
I would like to punish those young people who have embarrassed girls!! 🧟‍♀️

It wasn't my personal experience. The girl in question was never a friend of mine. She was a very nice person, but whilst we graduated in the same year and had one good friend in common (the one, who told me the story), we moved in completely different circles and never had a single class together.

As far as I know, she never saw the person who moved her clothes, but we can safely assume that they took their sick pleasure in watching a naked girl panicking.


@mina @purplepadma

They should be sanctioned to be hurt by the heels of our pinwheels. haha!!

@mina @purplepadma

Correction > stiletto heel 👠

Thanks for understanding my messed up English.🙏

Besides that: Your English is very far from being messed up.

I also make a lot of mistakes, and my native language is pretty similar.

