I like the interlocking red/green/blue shapes in this picture, each with a different texture.


I especially like the fusion of the vital and the decaying.
For some reason, the combination of different materials looks attractive. It is the same with insect bodies, architecture, and plants,right? 😊🫶✨

I promise to post some New Mexico ruin porn. I do like it. Thanks for the cool shot!!


I am surprised that you associate the pictures in my post with Mexican porn. why?

Too personal a reference perhaps. “Ruin porn” is just slang for abandoned buildings of all types, in which my State, New Mexico, is particularly gifted. I hope that explains.

I see!
I understand what you mean now.
Thank you for your kind explanation. 🙏☺️


Thanks for your message!

What does 'palette' mean in this case? Does it mean something different from a palette on which you put paints?

Sorry for my poor sense of understanding English.
When you have a moment please teach me what that word means.

hello! I mean that the choice of colors that are in the photo is balanced, and good to the eye! so there could be a warm palette, if one use colors that seems warm like red and yellow, that if used in a autumn landscape could be really nice to see.


Thank you for explaining!
'palette' It is a very beautiful word and I could know that it has a neat meaning.
Thanks again for giving me such a beautiful message on my post. 🙏☺️

