
That's funny!
What is the meaning of that word expression, is that what it feels like to have a tingle in your socks?
Please don't walk around singing the ears of wheat like Nausicaa in the Ghibli movie!
I think the soles of your feet are extra prickly.🤭🦶🦶🌾

Where I live, there is tall grass that looks like the photo. The grass gets stuck in my shoes and socks when I walk through them and they poke my feet!


Oh,I got it! Thanks!😄

Plants sometimes get mean to you and carry their seeds by tickling or stinging you.
When I come home from outside, I sometimes find scratchy grass and seeds on my clothes!

This is a very beautiful picture! It's just perfect in every way.


Yay!!my professor praised me! \(*ˊᗜˋ*)/

Thank U, Bryan!
Please have a wonderful evening!😊✩.*

