Ooooh! They do look like little pink treats! 😋😋😋🩷🩷🩷🩷


Right? These look delicious, don't they?

We have some Kalmia latifolia growing in our woods. We call them "mountain laurel". The ones in our woods never seem to bloom for some reason.


I found this flower in front of a variety store and casually photographed it.
But, I just looked it up and read that Kalmia trees are difficult to grow.

I think that there are many other plants growing in your forest as well.
So maybe Kalmia trees are giving their nutrients to others?
Perhaps they are very kind-hearted plants...😊
I hope whipped cream will bloom in your forest someday.

Oh, how pretty! They are like those little bursts you can make with frosting using the star tip on a piping bag. They make me think of cupcake decorations! 🧁🩷

That's right, Surely all but the cream part of the cupcake must have fallen under this tree!
Oh, I want to eat lots of cupcakes without worrying about the weight loss!

Maybe if the cupcakes are very small, like these blossoms, we can eat them all? 😋🤫🧁🩷


Hehehe. Many very tiny cupcakes are more convenient than just one big cupcake!

Huh. That looks nothing like the tree that I call mountain laurel.

