Good afternoon? Before you click the preview to open the photos, can you see a black cat head with ears? I can. LOL


Thanks to you for letting me know, I can see two heads of a black cat now! ha ha!!

I don't look at clouds and things for faces but some of my friends do, but every now and then, something amuses me in a photo, and because I process differently that others, it might be unnoticed by everyone else.


You have great senses!
That's so lovely thing. 😊

I see things. LOL DYK, while driving, 60 miles per hour, I can see a quarter on the pavement. I've built a toolbox with lost tools falling off trucks on the highway. That's the superpower of ADHD. Free tools, but the downside, I can't go near blowing leaves, they distract me too much to make conversation.

