
Moo's favorite friend is my daughter.
Do cats remember family members who have been apart for three months?
The results of this experiment are here.😸

We had a calico that remembered my brother in law after three years. Three years after a two week visit. She was really something.
#Caturday #CatsOfMastadon

Very much looks like Moo has missed your daughter and she's very happy to see her and cuddle up on your daughter's lap.


They were good friends and Moo was happy for the past three days.
However, due to her college schedule, my daughter took the SHINKANSEN and left a while ago! 🚄🤚💧
Now Moo is sitting by the window with a sour look on her face.


Moo might get lonely today and become a bad cat. LOL.
I'm actually drinking beer like a delinquent because I'm already lonely too. LOL.
But, my daughter will be back soon for another summer vacation.
Thanks Iza!✨
Have a awesome Sunday! 🥰🍀🌺🍀🌺

