
'Early Snake and Friday'

My daughter is coming home today for the first time in 3 months. 🥳💜


Thanks Olivia.
My daughter just started college and is going through some things that aren't working out and worries right now.
I plan to put the hard stuff behind me and eat lots of good food with her anyway! lol.😆💧

I wish you a wonderful weekend as well!
(っ'-')╮ =͟͟͞͞❤✨✨✨

Sounds like an excellent plan. Good food makes many things better

We recently saw a video of how these coils are made, it was fascinating.


Oh, That's great!
how is this made?
How do you take a paste like incense and make it swirl like this?
I've never seen the process of making these before.🌀🌀🤔

Found the video: youtu.be/OzpcME7wtdo . Fascinating process, I wish we could get a large stack of those coils here

Thank you, Karin🥰✨
You too. Peace out🤞💓

Pink color? Sweet. We have green ones out here - we’d put a newspaper below the ‘holder’ as cleaning the ashes used to quite a chore 🤭


I also like your green mosquito coils! 🍀
Green mosquito coils are common.
The mosquito coils I use now are green, purple, and pink in one can.
Like this. 😊

