奇斯领 chaos rising
"就在那里。" 他指着一条走廊。"统治领的历史就在这些房间里,有些作品可以追溯到统治领参与银河共和国和西斯帝国的战争的时期。"
奇斯领 chaos rising
她朝出口走去。"我们要去哪里?" 索龙追上她时问道。
"我的住处,"她说。"我在业余时间做了一点丝织玩偶(wire sculpting)来放松。你可以研究一下,看看你能不能读懂我的个人战略和战术。"
索龙分析能力真的好厉害啊啊啊 然后通过分析阿拉妮的玩偶打败了阿拉妮(或者是没有输给阿拉妮
奇斯领 chaos rising
“I’m hardly likely to forget it, either,” Thrawn said quietly.
Quietly, but Ar’alani could hear the hidden embarrassment and ache in his voice. “I trust you aren’t here just to scrub at old wounds,” she put in, hoping to draw some of Zistalmu’s attack in her direction.
奇斯领 chaos rising
He waited in silence until Thrawn had left the room. “Your assessment, Senior Captain?” he asked, nodding toward the closed door.
“He’s brilliant, sir,” Ziara said. “Excellent strategist and tactician.”
“And his political shrewdness?”
“Poor to nonexistent.”
“And don’t worry that your family’s influence was what jumped you those ranks,” she continued. “Don’t deny it—I saw it in your face. I’m sure the Mitth connection didn’t hurt, but the Council doesn’t do things just because some syndic wants them to. If they did, I’d have been jumped three ranks.”
“And you’d have deserved it,” Thrawn said.
Ziara started to smile. The smile faded as she realized he was serious.
奇斯领 chaos rising
She was five steps behind Mid Captain Roscu as both she and the first officer closed on the bridge. Roscu got there first and ducked through the hatchway—“Thrawn, what in hell’s name are you doing?” She snarled, her voice echoing out into the corridor.
Scowling, Ziara followed her through the hatchway. And so began another wonderful day aboard the Parala.
奇斯领 greater good
What made it more disturbing was the fact that Ar’alani and Thrawn had a long history together, going all the way back to the Taharim Academy.
It was unthinkable that a flag officer would show favoritism toward any one family or group of families. That was the whole idea behind stripping the higher ranks of their family connections. But the undeniable fact remained that Thrawn seemed to get all the assignments that were heavy with potential honor.
在别人眼里:阿拉妮将军弱水三千只取一瓢 *咬手绢*
奇斯领 greater good
“Maybe that’s what we have to do,” Samakro said, starting to sound angry. “Her life is her business. It’s certainly none of ours.”
“I believe it is,” Thrawn said. “All lives are important, and I resist the thought of standing by and watching two hundred possibly needless deaths. ”
奇斯领 greater good
He didn’t much like these guessing games of Thrawn’s even when things were calm. Here, at the front end of a battle, he liked them even less.
He stopped, an expectant expression on his face. Thalias made a face. Playing teacher, just as he had on the Paccosh mining station, waiting for her to come up with the right answer. But at least this time that answer was obvious.
奇斯领 greater good 看完
Allies of the Irizi, Dasklo, and Plikh, all doing their damnedest to keep a Mitth senior captain from testifying before the fleet and likely getting in trouble. A Mitth officer, moreover, that many of them disliked to the point of hatred.
奇斯领 lesser evil
He’d noted in Thurfian that personal antagonism toward an individual could be detrimental to family loyalty. But was the opposite also true? Could Thrass’s friendship with Thrawn be clouding his own loyalty to the family in exactly the same way?
He gave a little huff. No, of course not. Friendship and kinship were the whole basis of family, after all.
Besides, loyalty to Thrawn was loyalty to the family. There were great things ahead of Thrawn, a future that would raise the Mitth to even greater heights than they enjoyed now.
For if one is remembered by a friend, one is never truly gone 这句拿来代一下呢
奇斯领 lesser evil
回忆5 笑死了哥锐评索龙爱考考你的毛病⬇️
“You looked somewhat put out when Lamiov and Lappincyk wouldn’t play Riddle Me with you,”Thrass said.
Thrawn looked away, an echo of that same expression again crossing his face. “I wasn’t put out, Thrass,” he said quietly. “I was disappointed. People who can’t see things that are right in front of them…” He shook his head.
奇斯领 lesser evil
“Don’t worry, I wasn’t going to ask,” Wutroow said. “I understand family business—it’s like that with the Kiwu family, too. No, this is personal, just between you and me. I was hoping you could tell me why Admiral Ar’alani flounced off the bridge in a snit when she heard you were here.”
奇斯领 lesser evil
@NCC_60205 @sodium 借行星能量去打别人某种程度上来说是一次性starkiller……赏你入职FO(不)
奇斯领 lesser evil
@ellipsis @NCC_60205 但被吸是自己家的恒星(下次不要在自家门口用了
奇斯领 lesser evil
@sodium @NCC_60205 对哦哈哈哈哈哈但因为这是个镜子,只能在家门口对角度……还不能像starkiller吸别人的……还是充电宝好用(。)
奇斯领 lesser evil
@ellipsis 经济型死星哈哈哈哈 但是一点也不sustainable(