“Beheaded Babies” Report Spread Wide and Fast — but Israel Military Won’t Confirm It

“It’s been about four days since this incredible and tragic escalation of violence and the level of misinformation — even disinformation — seems near unprecedented,” media critic Sana Saeed told The Intercept. “We have seen journalists, in particular, spread unverified information that is being used to justify Israeli and even American calls and actions to annihilate an entire population.”

“From unsubstantiated accusations of Palestinian fighters raping Israeli women to unsubstantiated accusations of Palestinian fighters beheading babies: These claims have spread like wildfire especially thanks to many journalists who are repeating things without any semblance of critical thinking or journalistic caution.”

“What’s at stake here is literal human life,” Saeed added. “But Palestinian life matters so little, that spreading incendiary information that justifies Israeli war crimes isn’t a concern for those tasked to punch up to power by virtue of being journalists.”


#palestine #israel #propaganda


@theceoofanarchism considering Hamas purpose and conduct would you really be surprised though?

Considering the purpose of Israel a settler colonial ethnostate intent on ethnically cleansing Palestinians resistance should be expected, encouraged and supported,.

