We keep condemning #Hamas.

I agree.

Why is
#Israel shutting off power to hospitals in #Gaza ok?


@josh are hospitals in Gaza on a separate power grid from everything else?

No, but I believe most of them have on-site backup generators. The problem with those is limited capacity, and the need for fuel, which is in short supply in Gaza.

They've got their generators - which may run out of fuel soon, too, or already have. If they're not fed with Hamas's probably hidden resources, which would raise the (rhetorical) question, if they're gonna let patients under their rule die for prioritizing their own terrorist needs.
They're not only holding foreigners & Palestinians' Israeli neighbors hostage — but also the Palestinian people.

#Palestine #Israel #TwoStatesOneUnion #EndTerrorism #EndHamas #FreePalestinians

They definitely do not have enough reserve fuel to outlast how long Bibi is prepared to blockade them.

