
@CoastalCoasting Israel will eradicate Hamas to the last man. This is a fait accompli at this point. Hamas made a poor choice.

"This is a fait accompli at this point" is a fallacy. The intentional starvation, death by dehydration and deaths of 2.3 million intentionally trapped CIVILIANS is still reversible at this moment.

Grow a pair, do something more than shrug at it, or just stop flaunting your apathy on my thread.

Genocide of an entire population is no equivalence for what that awful HAMAS attack did. Proportional response can be excused. Isolating repercussions to the armed militia from Hamas can be excused. There is no excuse for genocide of the entire population. 2.3 million trapped starved water blocked civilians isn't 'oopsie! - collateral damage!' it's genocide.

