Pixelgesichts Bubble social.pixelgesicht.de
My contribution to a decentralized internet!
Libre.Video libre.video
Libre.Video is dedicated to the principles of life, liberty, private property, and the pursuit of your own happiness. This is a decentralized server, run by no corporation and no government. We don't track you around the internet nor are we interested in censoring you for political or philosophical views.
decent.moe decent.moe
A fediverse instance powered by Pleroma
chain.closetoya.com chain.closetoya.com
General-purpose standard Mastodon instance. 한국어 사용자를 위한 자유주제 마스토돈 인스턴스 입니다.
Mastodon social.benlopatin.com
Mastodon theendpaper.social
Hello! This is Kathryn Rushe's Mastodon server.
Yumeskey.clovr ymsky.clovr.cc
Seeds Social seeds.social
Mastodon find-me.femboys-who.top
Comfy.Blue comfy.blue
Lexa's comfy place! Cosy chats about FFXIV, Gaming, Anime and Tech. No politics or internet drama please. Safe space for those that need one 💕.
social.xenrox.net xenrox.net
Deltabeard social.deltabeard.com
Deltabeard Social Server
Daptl daptl.com
Your success, our code.