XERG xerg.rais.au
Private Mastodon instance of Joshua Byrd.
Mastodon tolppa.thermopylas.fi
Mastodon (vpx.moe) mastodon.vpx.moe
This is a test instance. Accounts and content may be wiped without notice.
social.sedders123.me social.sedders123.me
Mastodon youth.social
A Mastodon server for the youth (policy/research/work/media/culture) community.
The Parrot Squawks at Midnight www.sidhe.org
Yeah, he's at it again
DDBagerTalk talk.drdiddlybadger.com
A place for Diddly's ramblings and nothing more.
bachmann.social bachmann.social
Metro.Social metro.social
Mastodon social.anjara.eu
Hey ! Une instance Mastodon générique, opérée par l'association Anjara.
Eventprofs Mastodon eventprofs.social
When we meet, we change the world. Eventprofs make that happen. This is where we can meet on the fediverse.