A smol instance.
No content from any account on this instance maybe be scraped for republishing by any platform or for any reason without explicit consent. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0
A Stone in the Riverastoneintheriver.net
We are the ones who will create the story of our times
Rechtsruck Stoppenwww.rechtsruckstoppen.de
Solidarisch in Thüringen
A San Franciscansocial.sanfranciscan.org
Social media owned by you
Going full self hosted
This is a private instance managed by vbb, new registration is currently ceased.
유메카 개인 인스턴스
Christ Unscriptedchristunscripted.com
PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
wait for me industrieswaitforme.industries
home of slow wild rec, a podcast of field recordings and sounds from slow wild