Lenz Grimmer's random thoughts blog.lenzg.net
Technology, Open Source Software, Politics and Life
CTDP Development Blog devblog.ctdp.net
Be as picky as you like
sns.terrorjack.com sns.terrorjack.com
OpenBeta Forums community.openbeta.io
Mads FlimmerKiste madsflimmerkiste.wordpress.com
Mastodon m.km8v.net
Ryan's Sharkey sk1.ryanccn.dev
This is my fourth ActivityPub server by now 🥴
Nochiiverse nochiiverse.eu
Just a small private instance for test purposes only. No public server, I'm sorry.
Racoon Social Pix pix.racoon.social
Vorerst eine Test-Instanz. This is a test instance for now.
mlemmer goto.toydragon.xyz

Welcome to Mlemmer! A single user instance holding the posts of a @toydragon

Prepare for puns and weirdness!

Anchel.nl mstdn.anchel.nl
Eigen Server van Anchel.nl
sigb.us social sigb.us

Program received signal SIGBUS, Bus error.
Sending packets into the void, the kernel says the device is unmapped.

DSZDW friendica.dszdw.net