Terberlo.Dog terberlo.dog
This instance started as my personal digital dog park, but I'm excited to open it up to friends and like-minded folks. Contact me for an invite code.🐕

For service uptime & status details:
Cornish studies resources bernarddeacon.com
Cornwall: history, surnames and society, from Bernard Deacon
just another rakyat rakyatbiasa.blog
English + 中文。Made in Malaysia 🇲🇾
The Passable Gardener passablegardener.com
Just a middle aged Dad that loves gardening. Sometimes I stumble. Sometimes I do well. Just documenting the fails & successes.
Belkadan Software social.belkadan.com
Interacting with the Fediverse. This instance runs on GoToSocial.
Kit Does Things kerosyn.link
A braindump repository
Meow showcase.meows.lol
Cool Math Games Social social.coolmathgames.tech
A tiny instance for me and whoever else wants to join. Please be respectful
Videoteca di Tele Kenobit videoteca.kenobit.it
L'archivio con le repliche di Tele Kenobit!
PeerTube stream.k-prod.fr
Plateforme d'hébergement vidéos
Writefreely writefreely.mrnet.pt
Invite only blog platform
Le Monde des Liens social.azlux.fr
Je ne savais pas quelle instance utiliser donc j'en ai pris une au pif et je suis devenu le Roi des Likes :
Isekai dans le Monde des réseaux sociaux libre.

Pour ceux qui me connaissent et qui aimeraient un compte, me demander personnellement le code d'invitation. L'inscription n'est pas ouverte en public.
Raghukamath's Social Feed raghukamath.com
A small personal fediverse server for raghukamath
microblog.nalzus.com microblog.nalzus.com
tekerets's personal Misskey server