LPS PeerTube video.1146.nohost.me
PeerTube, a federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform using P2P (BitTorrent) directly in the web browser with WebTorrent and Angular.
WriteFreely blog.writefreely.org
A clean, simple publishing platform made for writers. Write together, and build a community.
Jack Mountain Bushcraft Media blog.jackmtn.com
Jack Mountain Bushcraft School Media Hub: Blog, Podcast, Videos. About wilderness guiding, teaching, expeditions, & the woods life. Registered Master Maine Guide, Est. 1999.
Vaughn social.vaughnhannon.com
The social center of me.
Fundacja „Internet. Czas działać!” video.internet-czas-dzialac.pl
Walczymy o prawo do prywatności i kontroli nad technologią!
IRIS検証らぼ rsp1-iris-no-misskey.wkspcloud.com
いりす/あいりすのお一人様サーバの1つです。 主に検証用で使う予定ですが、普通につぶやく時もあります。現在対策で変なメンションが飛んできたサーバーからの配送を止めています。
Thomas Pike’s other blog thomasp.vivaldi.net
Tales from a system administrator
Dino’s Journal 📖 journal.dinobansigan.com
A peek into the mind of a sleep deprived [software developer](https://devblog.dinobansigan.com/), husband, dad and gamer.
Cascadia.fun cascadia.fun
This is a one-person Firefish server. I'm testing out self-hosting with Firefish to see how things go.
Full marks for Mico cyb3r.moe
My personal shitposting port
茶栗栗屋 in UNiVERSE m.chariri.moe
茶栗和朋友们自娱自乐的地方( ゚∀。)7 欲注册用户,请联系chariri.
Nordherz Blog nordherz.blog
Ein norddeutscher Familienblog
Magicsskey mk.humblemagica.org
SUPERKULTUR superkultur.dk
Hvad er bedre end kultur?
This is a private server. Ask me in person if you want an invite.