
The defendants, including organisers, intermediaries, fixers and medical staff, carried out live kidney removal in a rented house and then carried out transplants for huge profits through the head of the urology department of a qualified tertiary hospital in Beijing


The largest case of human organ trafficking in China: 51 kidneys taken alive for a profit of 10 million yuan! The gang members were sentenced to 3.5 to 12 years! Fifty-one kidneys, involving more than 10.34 million yuan, was the largest case of illegal sale of human organs to be prosecuted in China.

I thought I had a visitor but saw that the door was empty; there were only a few birds playing among the branches of camphor trees.

A woman hanged herself in a segregated facility琶洲方艙 converted from the grounds of the Guangzhou Exhibition.

Ren Xianqi (singer) retweeted a tweet about the search for a missing child, raising concerns about human trafficking (and hidden organ transplants)problems. Let's fight to protect every one of our human beings, every child; we deserve to live freely and fully!

Large-scale nucleic acid testing has led to concerns about organ transplants. When major medical companies learn genetic information about everyone, does it mean whenever certain important officials' organs fail, someone in the unfortunate country will go missing for unknown reasons?

There are special religious police officers who are highly influential and patrol the busy streets every day, intervening whenever they find behaviour that is contrary to the teachings and rules, often in a brutal manner. Adult women were required to wear robes and veils when they stepped out of their homes, and those who violated these rules were reprimanded, detained, sentenced and flogged. The White Guards in Guangzhou were on the verge of catching up with the religious police.n/t:tw@xzzzjpl

Regarding the Guangzhou Venus incident, some people say the girls insulted the volunteers before, so the girls should be tied up. In the name of public health, people's dignity can be trampled on, and dissatisfaction is not even allowed; if people misbehave (according to the so-called rules), even the lowest ranked person can insult or hurt the provocateur without punishment or apology afterwards. It is scary; as long as there is a door, it is a prison, and where there is a mouth, it’s a hell.


My son saw freedom自由 and patriotism
爱国from the kindergarten and asked me to explain what they meant every day before he went to bed. I said, If someone won't let you in or out because your PCR check code has turned yellow, is that freedom? If a government ill-treated you, do you love this government and is the government your country?

Xi‘s delegation all wore masks, but Xi did not. What signal is this sending to the outside world? "I've become invulnerable after being a lifelong leader?" Go away, you super-viral carrier!

Itchy teeth. I will have to have a mouthwash later.
Tinnitus becomes worse, especially after listening to the phone too much. Maybe it's caused by temporal lobe damage.

Mastodon is quite like a haven for literary lovers in exile, with no pollution in sight. (And undoubtedly lonely.) Afraid of future internet censorship and attacks, I'll toot in foreign languages.

For the first time in months, it rained heavily. We have been worried about water for the last three months. Even the tap water was very unreliable, and there were times when my mother got up at 2 am to turn on the tap and disappointedly found that there was still no water.
Another problem is that my house is cracking. Perhaps the cracks are caused by thermal expansion and contraction of the house cement under prolonged drought. I don't know how to repair it at the moment.

China and the US are like two dogs, barking at each other across a fence for sure. But when you take that fence away, they will undoubtedly be quiet together, sniffing each other's asses. (President Cat)

Watched an old movie "Furong Town". One line: "Survive, survive like an animal."

It is just the central government skimming off the hook. When things go wrong, it's the local government's fault! And the local governments still have to prove their loyalty to the emperor. The number of daily infected people in Guangzhou will break 10,000 in the coming days.


Everyone is complaining about having to show their 24-hour negative PCR test results everywhere they go. And they are vaguely worrying about not knowing when the QR code will suddenly turn yellow or when the authority will force them into quarantine. People worry about food and their work. When the State Council's 20 regulations came down, they became hopeful again, fully thinking the government would imply a lying flat policy.

