自由研究で人体錬成しようとした児童を補導 滋賀・南おうみ市
台風11号「ヤギ」発生(tenki.jp) Yahoo!ニュース https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/b98097f2f6340afa2c249d2573598feece21507b?source=rss
Although the hall was dark, the light from the full-moon was bright, and the shadow cast by the woman was clear...
It was not a human shape, but that of a cat!
Genyo immediately grasped his cat was meddling with otherworldly powers!
Unwilling to be party to the cat's witchcraft (and perhaps fearing what it might do to him), Genyo threw his beloved pet from the temple.
As the weeks passed, the abbot fell into a deep despair. He had lost his friend, and soon he would lose the temple.