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Ich bin für einen horrenden CO2-Preis. Am Besten als Marktpreis: man verteilt den geplanten Verbrauch monatlich pro Kopf als in sehr kleinen Teilen handelbare Zertifikate zu gleichen Teilen an alle Menschen. Wer dann mit dem Verbrenner SUV über die Autobahn heizen möchte, muss dafür dann halt ein Vermögen für die nötigen Zertifikate an der Zertifikatsbörse ausgeben. Zum Ausgleich gibt es dann auch keine Kostenloszertifikate für die Verschmutzerindustrie mehr.

全知全能大先生 さんがブースト

"The content of the ideal is a desire to return to the perfection of an imaginary past."
The Waning of the Middle Ages

Johan Huizinga Dutch historian was born #OTD in 1872. Huizinga had an aesthetic approach to history, where art and spectacle played an important part. His most famous work is The Autumn of the Middle Ages (1919). Other works include Erasmus (1924) and Homo Ludens (1938). via

Books by Johan Huizinga at PG:

#books #literature

全知全能大先生 さんがブースト

We bought some wool and felting tools and here is what my wife made today!

#Blahaj #Felting #Christmas

全知全能大先生 さんがブースト

The German prefix "zer-" is a tiny Terminator.

stören: to disturb
zerstören: to destroy

pflücken: to pick, to pluck
zerpflücken: to destroy

schlagen: to beat, to hit
zerschlagen: to destroy

legen: to lay
zerlegen: to destroy

teilen: to share, to split
zerteilen: to destroy

siedeln: to settle
zersiedeln: to destroy (by settling)

setzen: to set
zersetzen: to destroy (by corrosion)

drücken: to press, to squeeze
zerdrücken: to destroy (by squeezing)

Zerjoy our language!


全知全能大先生 さんがブースト

German 'Messer' and Dutch 'mes' (knife) stem from a Proto-Germanic compound meaning 'food-knife'.

As it was frequently used, the four-syllable compound eroded and was obscured.

Click the video to hear how 'Messer' and 'mes' evolved.

On my Patreon I explain how Proto-Germanic *matisahsan acquired the variant *matizahsan and how its z became an r in German.

Below there's an infographic that shows the history of the words that formed *matisahsan and *matizahsan and their Germanic relatives.

全知全能大先生 さんがブースト

Wir erleben, wie Konflikte tausende Kilometer entfernt von uns den Weg in unsere #Gesellschaften finden. Einige wünschen sich, sich in moralischer Reinheit zu isolieren, statt sich mit anderen Meinungen auseinanderzusetzen. Die Gefahr ist Polarisierung. - Annalena Baerbock #BerlinForum 1/3

全知全能大先生 さんがブースト

'To think' and 'thanks' are etymologically related.

The distant ancestor of 'thanks' meant "thought". This meaning evolved into "benevolent thought", "grateful thought", and ultimately "gratitude".

My infographic shows the Germanic relatives of 'to think' and 'thanks' and tells you where 'methinks' comes from.

On my Patreon I explain how the regular past tense form of the ancestor of 'to think' became irregular in a regular way (1200 words): patreon.com/yvanspijk

全知全能大先生 さんがブースト

You don’t often see outward facing seats on transit vehicles, but being able to gaze out the window rather than at an ad across the aisle makes for a pretty enjoyable ride! (This is the Kuala Lumpur Monorail).

#transit #malaysia #kualalumpur #transportation

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Ist die ein ?

[SWR2 Forum] Wehrhaft und kriegstüchtig – Muss Deutschland wieder kämpfen lernen?
podcastaddict.com/swr2-forum/e via @PodcastAddict

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Over the centuries, English lost many Germanic words.

A lot of these were replaced by borrowings from French, while German, Dutch and Frisian often preserved their Germanic cognates.

What would the lost English words look like if they still existed?

Here are twelve of them:

[SWRhttps://www.maryannewolf.com/radio-podcast2 Forum] Vernichtung durch KI – Wie gefährlich ist Künstliche Intelligenz?t
podcastaddict.com/episode/1591 via @PodcastAddict

