
Norddeutschland? Elbe? Ems?Weser? Hase? Oder wie die Flüsse da so heißen.

全知全能大先生 さんがブースト

Wenn meine dreijährige Tochter mit den Krippenfiguren spielt, ist Maria immer recht wenig involviert. Auf Nachfrage sagte sie, Maria sei ja ständig am Handy...

全知全能大先生 さんがブースト

December 1 already! For the first day of #ArtAdventCalendar, I am sharing the first print I made in 2024. I made this #linocut for the #PrinterSolstice prompt complementary! Orange and blue. An ornamental white and orange carp or koi fish. The edition of prints are made on Japanese kozo (or mulberry) paper, 8” by 10” (20.3 cm by 25.4 cm).

#sciart #koi #carp #fish #SundayFishSketch #MastoArt

Ich beim Versuch, den Fudschijama mit dem Smartphone zu fotografieren.

全知全能大先生 さんがブースト

Lost in Klischee :)
Weil ich gerade eh eine der vielen Kisten mit alten Klischees draussen hatte, dachte ich mir ich probiere auf dem Adana Handtiegel auch noch […] …
Zum Weiterlesen den Link benutzen.

 Ich höre
in letzter Zeit auch immer öfter, dass die jungen Leute lesen. Muss man sich da Sorgen machen, oder geht das (wie bei mit) von alleine weg?

全知全能大先生 さんがブースト
Commentary on Fetishized Fascism where the only voices heard are those at the apex of the racial hierarchy. There is no critical self-reflection in...

Unfortunately the DW Programm is in (British) English. Is there a version in German? I am asking because I teach German in Japan. It Is not easy to motivate Japanese students to study a foreign language. Years ago I asked simple know each other questions in beginner's classes such as "what ist your favourite book?" Twice the answer was 我が闘争 and then I gave up asking simple questions. Obviously Germany is boring, but Hitler always sells. If they would rename Goethe Institute Hitler Institute, their classes would certainly be overbooked.

全知全能大先生 さんがブースト

Commentary on Fetishized Fascism where the only voices heard are those at the apex of the racial hierarchy.

There is no critical self-reflection in the commentary on how the manga and anime communities are deeply racist and anti-Black in specific.

Long before the contemporary fixation on Nazism, Asian societies (like Europeans) have for millennia, been obsessed with monarchy, militarism, racial purity, racial hierarchy, colorism and to this day, with no representation of dark-skinned Asian people, and frequent contempt for people of African descent.
#BlackMastodon, #DW, #DeutscheWelle, #RacialNationalism, #Manga, #Anime

