Friendly reminder that hating on shitheads can and should be done without bringing their physical traits or perceived mental illnesses into the process.
The shitheads you’re talking about will probably never see your insults (and if they do, they won’t care), but your friends with those same traits will definitely see your insults, and no longer feel safe around you.
10 Image #CaptionTips from a transcriptionist:
1. Any words are better than nothing.
2. You don't need to say it's "a picture of…" screen readers will already say it's an image.
3. Start with the framing or format (i.e. close up, landscape, meme, text).
4. Think about the reason you're posting the pic and describe that first, add background details if you have time.
5. Pretend you're talking to someone on the phone and want to tell them about this cool thing you're looking at.
6. Transcribe any and all text in the image, even if it's the only thing you do.
7. If you've described the image in your post, you don't need to copy and paste it again in the caption. But again, don't leave it blank, just put something like "as described."
8. You can add small subjective notes, but don't give too much interpretation of the image in your own opinion.
9. Caption jokes are fun, as long as they still describe the image objectively.
10. Use punctuation, and capitalize words properly. A lot of us have interacted with this tech when calling customer service or talking to Siri, so keep in mind that you're writing for a computer to read, and it needs all the help it can get.
Japan→LA→Miami (大学留学→中退→会社勤め→脱サラ→美容学校→美容師) 在米歴長し。 街の8割以上がラテン出身というこの街でスペイン語に囲まれ暮らしてます。スペイン語は20年以上「勉強中」。 バックグラウンド・職業・ジェンダー・年齢様々な人達と毎日接する美容師という仕事をかなり楽しんでます。 2021年脳出血でギリギリ生還しました。 「無理をしない」と「無理をしないストレス」の中間地点模索中。 https://twitter.com/sayuri_t_h https://note.com/sayuri_miami