
RT @0xabad1dea@twitter.com

you can watch an AI overfit in real time by typing random Latin-sounding nonsense into google translate and it absolutely will come up with a translation

🐦🔗: twitter.com/0xabad1dea/status/

rina.py さんがブースト

Nintendo Says It Has No Plans to Increase Switch Pricing as Component Costs Rise - CNET - A Nintendo Switch price cut seems unlikely. - cnet.com/tech/gaming/nintendo-

RT @POfBoundaries@twitter.com

Touhou 18.5 - 100th Black Market
[Traducción al Español Latino]

¡Hemos empezado a traducir el nuevo juego!
Verán mas progreso en el transcurso de la semana.

Por supuesto, vamos a tomarnos nuestro tiempo para poder brindarles una traducción de calidad.
¡Estén al tanto!

🐦🔗: twitter.com/POfBoundaries/stat


rina.py さんがブースト

hi everyone, thanks so much for all the love 🧡🤎💜
if you wish to support me further, consider buying me a coffee or becoming a member for only $3 ko-fi.com/maruki

ps: new stickers coming soon ✨




rina.py さんがブースト

hi friends, I'm maruki, a very pixel artist and animator
I'm having a hard time with housing costs, so I'm opening extra commission slots to help me with them
DMs are open. Prices are negotiable.
maruki [@] lostalloy.com 💌
RToots appreciated 💜
#pixelart #ドット絵

RT @AutisticCallum_@twitter.com

Autistic people may emote differently to NT people; we may flap our hands when excited, cry when overwhelmed and become quiet and lethargic when sad. All expressions are valid, and nobody should be forced to emote a particular way. The healthiest way to emote is authentically.

🐦🔗: twitter.com/AutisticCallum_/st

rina.py さんがブースト


7万人以上のITエンジニアの調査結果、好きな言語は「Rust」、DBは「PostgreSQL」、開発環境はVSCodeを抑えて「Neovim」がトップに publickey1.jp/blog/22/7itrustd



最近新しいパソコン買ったけど、その時まで使ったMacBook Proはデータ消去してmacOS再インストールしてる。その後、父に譲渡するんだ

