#Steam 正在舉行尖叫節特賣,照慣例有免費的點數商品可以領~ https://store.steampowered.com/points/shop/app/3257180
#Steam 秋特剛好是一個月之後的事,先預告一下
內政部:颱風天貼膠帶在玻璃門窗上不能防風抗爆 https://www.moi.gov.tw/News_Content.aspx?n=4&s=322349
#GIMP gets all sorts of contributors: code, design, packaging, bug triaging, and more… One possible contribution are download mirrors. We've got 55 of them across the world in all continents (though clearly more in Europe and North America) and all working fine!
Thanks to all our mirror contributors! 💌
The map shown here is generated by #MirrorBits, the backend software handling redirection of downloads.
GBF 中文化(X
Cygames 宣布變更台灣、韓國經營體制 強化當地行銷、宣傳和版權事業 - 巴哈姆特 https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/detail.php?sn=275746