スタイリッシュウンコアクション『ウンコテクニカ』有料版、Steamでもお披露目。クールなBGMと共に躍動するウンコ、便器を目指す https://automaton-media.com/articles/newsjp/unkotechnica-20240725-303144/
前に記事読んで驚いたイスラエル人とパレスチナ人が共同経営するレストラン、襲撃されたとの由。この世界終わってるわ #fedibird
うのつく食べ物、「うまい肉」でええやん? #fedibird
オモウマの茜D、人の懐に入るのがうまいというか、取材先の家族が「実家に帰ったきたおねーちゃん」みたいに歓迎してるのすごすぎるな……猫まで懐いてるし、圧倒的な人間力。 #オモウマい店
通院中。待合室、近くで座ってる患者が「ふぬぬぬぬぬぬぬ」ってひっきりなしに唸っている。横目で顔を見ると真顔である。単に痛いのか、実はそういう鳴き声の生き物なのか、判断がつかない。 #fedibird
Yoshon is delivering a gripping speech about treats and why Bunnies have a right to get more of them.
Earlier this month, 10-year-old female red panda Sakura began showing behaviours that could suggest abnormal neurological activity.
Most recently, her condition seems to have worsened which is prompting further tests and examination. https://twitter.com/TheTorontoZoo/status/1815043891017461844
∙ 𝙹𝚞𝚕 𝟸𝟷, 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟺 𝟷𝟷:𝟷𝟿𝙰𝙼 ∙
With exception to short medical checkups, Wildlife Care staff have been giving Sakura and the cubs time to bond without disturbance but are keeping a close eye on them via camera. Both cubs continue to appear healthy and are both very vocal and mobile. https://twitter.com/TheTorontoZoo/status/1815043906041495996
∙ 𝙹𝚞𝚕 𝟸𝟷, 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟺 𝟷𝟷:𝟷𝟿𝙰𝙼 ∙
It‘s Gunnar‘s 5th Birthday today and we‘re celebrating by staying indoors and keeping cool.
I'm a my-dog-photo submit-man! ...and that sometimes plays the guitar.