Kat in het raam.
#TypischAmsterdam Tweede Boomdwarsstraat - Amsterdam.
夫にスリスリされる子猫のビミョーな表情が話題 「好きにしろ」「途中から死んだ目に」(まいどなニュース) https://u.lin.ee/Li98lsu?mediadetail=1&utm_source=line&utm_medium=share&utm_campaign=none
*Please ensure that your photography adheres to all relevant laws, etiquette, and instructions issued by authorized persons. [参照]
Portrait of a Black-Nosed Cat | Портрет черноносой кошки
#blacknosedcat #blackandwhitecat #чернобелыйкот #tuxedocat #白黒猫 #catsofpixelfed #pixelfedcats #cat #кот #猫 #fedicats
Summer was the center of attention all day.
This is her preferred state of being.
The grandkids all love her to pieces, and it is mutual.
When it was the end of the day and they started packing up their stuff, Summer was like, "You aren't going to let them leave, right?"
One of them will be back on Sunday to help decorate the house. I told Summer I promise.
Friday is almost over, and Caturday Saturday is just around the corner...
#cat #cats #Friday #Caturday #Saturday #climbing #burglar #catburglar #funny #humor #catsofmastodon #mastodoncats
They threw the ordinary birdseed back at me and went straight for my expensive trail mix instead. Good thing they're so cute.