mikako.num さんがブースト
mikako.num さんがブースト
mikako.num さんがブースト
mikako.num さんがブースト

Ohh that could be the 1993 "Youth Against Fascism" tour, or maybe the 1996 "Washing Machine" tour:


I didn’t see them in their heyday, but was able to do it in 2004 and 2008, if I remember correctly.

Oh, I see!
You were lucky!
I'm sure their stage presence was fantastic.
Kim Gordon's voice is ennui and charming.
And I thought their breakup was a shame.

mikako.num さんがブースト

#lichen #iowa #CatsOfMastodon #Cats

Lichens on an old hedge (Osage orange) post. Cat paw included for scale.

Cat on post included for context.

mikako.num さんがブースト
mikako.num さんがブースト
mikako.num さんがブースト

Sugar magnolia snap pea

Seed-grown white pomegranate flower, germinated late spring 2020

Cara Cara orange is re-flowering after flowering too soon this winter. All the winter-set fruit fell off and there aren’t many blooms this spring.

#bloomscrolling #florespondence #fleurisTonFil #flowers #flores #blumen # #gardening #jardin #garten #fruit #fruta #水果 #GrowYourOwn #organic #ClimateDiary #ClimateChangeGardening

Thank you! 😊
When I touched their limbs, they felt nice and chilly and very lovely.


They stayed in my hand for only about 20 seconds, but they were very gentle frogs.
I will visit this forest again! 😊🐸🌲

mikako.num さんがブースト

Goedemorgen ☕ de temp🌡️ is de helft van gister 12c met buien 🌧️ anyway het is vrijdag straks naar de markt en boodschapjes 🛍️doen , Fijne vrijdag 🌸🙂


Have a great weekend!

@SunnJax @noricenolife

Oh, I did not know that!
The koi I photographed are also a bit small, so they look like goldfish, right? 😃
Colorful koi and goldfish are both beautiful, aren't they?

That's so beautiful color! 💜🪻✨✨🥰

mikako.num さんがブースト

Don’t forget to stop and smell the lilacs. I like how they take on different colors even though they’re all part of the same plant. 💜

#garden #flowers #lilacs #bloomscrolling #Colorado


The pastry is crispy around the edges like a soft-serve ice cream cone cup and sweet with soft azuki bean paste inside!
It was yum! 😊🫶🎏

Carp that will be eaten by me from now on.
And the carps that swims in a small universe.


