(Post:221118)The experience diary of Mastodon, which is a hot topic right now. 今話題のマストドンの体験日記。
‘Could this be Twitter without the toxic slurry?’ My week on Mastodon https://www.theguardian.com/media/2022/nov/16/could-this-be-twitter-without-the-toxic-slurry-my-week-on-mastodon?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
(Post:221118)What a cunning foraging behavior. There are birds that use spider webs as footholds to intercept prey caught in nets. なんとずるい採餌行動。蜘蛛の巣を足場にしながら網に掛かった獲物を横取りする鳥がいるんだ。
test #fedibird
(Post:221117)A genealogy of fun and preparation such as trompe l'oeil in Europe and the United States and hidden pictures. 欧米のだまし絵(trompe l'oeil )、隠し絵などの面白さと仕込みの系譜。
(Post:221117)We found that childhood friendships between wealthy and non-wealthy people lead to the strength of social networks as adults. 幼少期の富裕層と非富裕層の友人関係が、成人としての社会的ネットワークの強さにつながることを明らかにした。
(Post:221117)Blobfish has been voted "the ugliest animal in the world". It introduces her life style. 「世界一醜い生き物」に選ばれたブロブフィッシュ。その暮らしぶりなどを紹介している。
(Post:221116) The Space Launch System has been launched into the air successfully. NASA月探査ロケット打ち上げ成功
(Post:221116)A plan to send people back to the moon. The way this article is introduced is interesting because it works in conjunction with the animation. 人を再び月を送る計画。この記事の紹介の仕方がアニメーションと連携し面白い。
(Post:221116)Without decent intelligence, Russia has no tactics, no manpower. In the first place, there is no understanding and awareness of modern society. It feels like watching a war scene from a generation ago. There is nowhere to put down the raised ax. まともなインテリジェンスの無いロシアは、戦術もなければ、人材もいない。そもそも現代社会への理解と意識がない。なんとなく一世代前の戦争シーンを見ているような感じ。振り上げた斧を下ろすところはない。
(Post:221114)There is a beef croquette that has been waiting for 30 years from order to delivery. 注文から配達まで30年待ちのビーフコロッケがあります。
(Post:221114)In China, where censorship is strict, there are two cultural spheres, Mandarin and Cantonese. Criticisms and sarcasm written in a specific Cantonese context seem to be incomprehensible to Mandarin-speaking people. Great China. 検閲が厳しい中国にあって、北京語と広東語の2つの文化圏が存在する。広東語固有の文脈で書かれた批判や皮肉は、北京語圏では理解できないようです。さすが大中国。
(Post:221114)The lesser-known Indian plant scientist and breeder, EK Janaki Ammal. Did you have any interaction with Sasuke Nakao, who is theorist of east Asian evergreen forest culture? あまりよく知られていないインドの植物科学者、育種学者、ジャナキ・アンマル(EK Janaki Ammal)。照葉樹林文化(east Asian evergreen forest culture)論の中尾佐助とは交流があっただろうか。
#Private media curation
I personally curate articles in the world that I'm interested in.
(Post:221113)The problem of the former Unification Church is a symbolic event that reflects society. Is it not because there is an increasing number of people who have nowhere to turn their hearts and minds to relieve their suffering and anxiety? I can't help but think that undercurrents of anxiety and dissatisfaction lie not only among the victims, but among many Japanese who are becoming impoverished. 旧統一教会問題は、社会を反映した表象的な出来事ではないかな。被害者だけでなく、貧困化する多くの日本人の不安や不満が底流にあるように思われてならない。
(Post:221113)Looking at politicians who are forced to resign, the only image left is that they use their rusty sense of privilege (educational background, career) as a basis to ridicule and intimidate the sovereign nation. Led by public promises to support the industry in name only, the people are also electing lawmakers against their original will. 各辞任を迫られる政治家を見ていると、錆びた特権意識(学歴、キャリア)をよりどころに、主権者の国民を馬鹿にする、威圧する人物イメージしか残らない。名ばかりの業界支援等の公約につられて、国民も本来の意思に反する議員を選んでいることになる。
(Post:221112)Banksy enters Ukraine and leaves his work on the wall.
(Post:221112)Blue tick accounts that are based on trust are ironically prey to impersonation.
(Post:221111) Treatment to face cancer with a personalized immune system begins.
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