I’m excited to try this new iOS #DoctorWho game as it’s on Apple Arcade, meaning no ads and no in-app purchases!
In stark contrast to the last one 👀
Doctor Who: An Unlikely Heist
A wonderful photo we haven’t seen before of the Gân (Yan) family villa in Kiirun (present-day Keelung). Parts of the estate were taken over by the Japanese military during the war, and then by the KMT for a military settlement after the war. Only a family graveyard remains.
From @carl_lin_tw on the bird site.
日本時代臺灣三大名宅之一 基隆顏家陋園 一青窈祖父の家 BY 帝國の臺灣
Wondering what’s Mastodon. Taking a peek.